Monday, November 24, 2008

Naina's Wedding Weekend

Last weekend we traveled to Washington, DC to attend my cousin, Naina's wedding. Sarina had so much fun reconnecting with her cousin Mirabelle and seeing Tara and Ava. I wish we has video from the wedding because the girls were dancing, dancing, dancing to the beautiful Indian music.

Sarina kept saying she want to see the president but the closest we could get was a picture in front of the white house. As you can probably tell from Sarina's grimace, it was was FREEZING!

The Phoenix 10K Family Style

We all had the opportunity to participate in the Phoenix 10K and more this year. Sarina and I did the 5K stroller stride, Darren ran the 10K, and Sarina ran 500 yard kids dash. It was a cooler day here in Phoenix but it was a lot of fun!


Sarina decided this Halloween, she wanted to be a pink, scary monster. I have no idea where she go that idea so I just threw a bunch of pink stuff on her and called her scary. She had fun and got a lot of CANDY!

Pumpkin Patch

Another year, another pumpkin patch! We went to Mother Nature's Farm again this year versus the more commercial Schnepp Farm. It is so much more relaxed and easy going. Sarina loves picking out her pumpkin and decorating it.

JCC Trialthon and Duathlon

Darren and I participated in the JCC - Scottsdale triathlon and duathlon (respectively). It was my 1st multisport event and I think I am as addicted as Darren is with his triathlons. I just have train more so I can over the fact that I hate running :).

1st Time Horsey Ride

A landscaping company here in Maricopa had a fall festival in mid-October. Sarina had a chance to ride a horse. She was so excited!


For those you trying to keep up with the Soto's via this blog, I apologize! We have been busy, busy and I haven't had many free moments to sit down and type at home.

Since last I wrote, many events have occurred. Pumpkin patches,1st time horsey rides, Halloween, a couple of road races, and a wedding.

Hope you enjoy the pictures!